

Geostudi Astier S.r.l. Via E. Fagni, 31 - 57123 Livorno - Italy | Tel: 0586 864734

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ERTLab Studio

ERTLab Studio

Our most advanced modeling and inversion software for all your electrical resistivity and induced polarization tomography needs.

Its user-friendly interface will help with 2D, 3D or 4D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) geophysical applications.

All individual ERT modules from previous versions are now incorporated into a complete 3D graphics environment. This gives you full control of your project workflow in one software.

In particular, three-dimensional graphic objects (cubes, spheres, blocks) can be generated, which allow a clearer orientation of the represented resistivity volume.



  • Runs on multiple cores in 64-Bit Windows computer
  • Add-on for the processing of Multi-Source data available
  • Add-on Module for specialized 4D/Difference Inversions available  

Purchase ERTLab Studio
improve your way of doing electric tomography and expand the applications of geoelectric surveys to new markets
 Download or try ERTLab Studio
Download ERTLab Studio (only for customers provided with USB license activation dongle) OR contact us to organize a web session or visit us to see the software in action!  
 Upgrade your old version of ERTLab™ to ERTLab Studio
Switch to ERTLab Studio to take advantage of the new 3D graphical interface and new automated functions
We offer training in the use of software and ERT methods in general, with modules lasting one or more days that take place in our classroom or, on request, at the customer's premises.
The training modules are characterized by a practical approach to allow course users to become familiar with the principles of software operation.


ERTLab Studio gallery

General 3D view with picture
General 3D view with picture
General 3D view with picture
Marine ERT acquisition
Geotechnical investigation
Large scale survey
Large scale ERT survey
Structural model on shallow survey
IP large scale survey
Geotechnical investigation
Geotechnical investigation - Field Data
ERT Survey
3D survey and topography
ERT Survey for geotechnical purpose
ERT prospection and aerial photo
ERT Prospection with house


Geostudi Astier S.r.l. Via A. Cecioni, 42 - 57127 Livorno - Italy | Tel: +39.0586 864734

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