Geostudi Astier S.r.l. Via E. Fagni, 31 - 57123 Livorno - Italy | Tel: 0586 864734
SWAN (Surface waves analysis)
Software for MASW/Re.Mi. seismic data analysis
SWAN is a software package for seismics data processing which allows to invert the following measurements:
The MASW method (active) is used to derive the velocity profile of the S waves in the shallow subsurface, while the REMI technique (passive) allows to reach greater depths of investigation; both seismic surveys are less expensive and faster compared to alternative direct or indirect methods used in geotechnical engineering.
SWAN can be used at different levels, with high quality results, and is a powerful tool both for research-type analyses in seismic methods and for professionals that need fast and reliable interpretations.
Main features
Download Swan
Download SWAN as FREE DEMO version, or the FULL version (which requires license and USB protection).
The DEMO version only has a few limitations compared to the FULL version: you can not save the processing, the demo expires after 50 hours of operation (so avoiding to leave unnecessarily the program open you can continue to use it for months), you can not change synthetic model of the table manually, and other small limitations. Anyway they are not preventing the evaluation of the software.
(For the old Windows XP operating system is recommended that you download this version of SWAN DEMO and FULL).
Follow these instructions if you have problems installing SWAN.
If problems with the drivers of your USB protection dongle you can try to replace those distributed with SWAN with those of the producer, which could be more up to date. Open the application, uninstall those already on your computer (Uninstall), relaunch the app and install the drivers (KEYLOK 2 USB, Standalone), then insert the USB dongle into your computer, wait a few seconds, and start SWAN.
Download the tutorial (example data with a detailed description of the procedure for the data interpretation).
Finally a few notes on the interpretation of REMI data.
The processing flow of the raw data
The processing flow of the raw data follows these steps:
After the processing the value of the parameter Vs30 is calculated, to classify the site according to the design and engineering standards and regulations.
Scientific bases of our algorithms
Rix, G.J. and Lai, C.G.
Model-Based Uncertainty in Surface Wave Inversion
Proceedings, GeoCongress 2006, “Geotechnical Engineering in the Information Technology Age”, Atlanta, February 26-March 1, 2006. Paper Reference No. 11904.
Lai C.G., Wilmanski K. (Editors)
Surface Waves in Geomechanics: Direct and Inverse Modeling for Soils and Rocks, CISM Lecture Notes No. 481, CISM-Springer Verlag, pp. 385, ISBN: 3-211-27740-4. CD with software programs for surface wave analysis is included.
Lai, C.G.
“Chapter 3 – Surface Waves in Dissipative Media: Forward and Inverse Modelling” in Surface Waves in Geomechanics: Direct and Inverse Modeling for Soils and Rocks. Edited by C.G. Lai and K. Wilmanski, CISM Lecture Notes Vol. No. 481, Springer-Verlag, pp. 385, October 2005. ISBN: 3-211-27740-4. CD with software programs for surface wave analysis is included.
Rix, G.J.
“Chapter 3 – Near-Surface Site Characterization Using Surface Waves” in Surface Waves in Geomechanics: Direct and Inverse Modeling for Soils and Rocks. Edited by C.G. Lai and K. Wilmanski, CISM Lecture Notes Vol. No. 481, Springer-Verlag, pp. 385, October 2005. ISBN: 3-211-27740-4. CD with software programs for surface wave analysis is included.
Lai, C.G., Foti, S., Rix, G.J.
Propagation of Data Uncertainty in Surface Wave Inversion
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 10(2), pp. 219-228, July 2005.
Lai, C.G., Rix, G.J., Foti, S., Roma, V.
Simultaneous Measurement and Inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion and Attenuation Curves
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 22, No. 9-12, pp. 923-930, October-December 2002.
Rix, G.J., Lai, C.G., Spang, A.W.
In Situ Measurements of Damping Ratio Using Surface Waves
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No.5, pp. 472-480, May 2000.
Lai, C.G., Foti, S., Godio, A., Rix, G.J., Sambuelli, L., Socco, V.
Geotechnical Site Characterization Using Geophysical Techniques
Italian Geotechnical Journal, RIG, Special Publication, No.3, pp. 99-118, September 2000, Specialty Panel of 20th Italian National Conference on Geotechnics, Parma, Italy, September 22-25, 1999 (in Italian).
Lai, C.G.
Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves – Active Methods – Technical Recommendations
Italian Geotechnical Journal, RIG, No.4, pp. 201-212. December 2000.
Lai, C.G., Rix, G.J.
Inversion of Multi-Mode Effective Dispersion Curves
Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium on Pre-Failure Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, IS Torino 99, Torino, Italy, September 26-29, 1999, Vol. I, pp. 411-418.
Lai, C.G., Rix, G.J.
Simultaneous Inversion of Rayleigh Phase Velocity and Attenuation for Near- Surface Site Characterization
Contract Report prepared for the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CMS-9402358, and the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Interior, Award No. 1434-95-G-2634, Report No. GIT-CEE/GEO-98-2, July, 1998, pp. 258.
Strobbia, C.
Surface wave methods: acquisition, processing and inversion,
Ph.D. Thesis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, 2003.
Geostudi Astier S.r.l. Via A. Cecioni, 42 - 57127 Livorno - Italy | Tel: +39.0586 864734
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