

Geostudi Astier S.r.l. Via E. Fagni, 31 - 57123 Livorno - Italy | Tel: 0586 864734

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DualEM LOG is the software that allows the acquisition of electromagnetic measurements with DUALEM instruments in a light and fast way. The software is developed for the installation and use on small handheld systems, like Archer or Allegro tools. DualEm LOG is an extremely practical and immediate tool for all the steps related to acquisition and real time display of the measurements and for the rapid field setup of the instrument.

DualEM LOG Gallery

Juniper Archer 2

Technical specifications

Supported OS

Microsoft® Windows Embedded Handheld, Windows CE, Windows Mobile.

Microsoft® Windows 7, 8, 10.



  • Full storage of DUALEM data (sensors, internal GPS, pitch, roll, battery voltage, temperature).
  • External concurrent GPS data stored on a separate file.
  • Real-time display of acquired data (sensors, data quality and path of internal and external GPS, pitch, roll, battery voltage, temperature).
  • Real-time display of acquisition status by coloured LEDs.
  • Full access to internal DUALEM menu for fast and proper setup of instrument and acquisition parameters.
  • Full internal memory data download function.




Download Area

DualEM LOG can be freely downloaded and evaluated in DEMO mode, which limits the number of sessions and constrains the data recording time to 3 minutes.
To get the FULL version which unlocks these limitations a valid license is required: please contact us for further information.

 Data Logger release: Microsoft® Windows Embedded Handheld, Windows CE, Windows Mobile (release 1.5).

 Desktop PC release: Microsoft® Windows 7, 8, 10 (release 1.5).



User manual

  Download the user manual and get started with the DualEMLog software in a few simple steps.





Geostudi Astier S.r.l. Via A. Cecioni, 42 - 57127 Livorno - Italy | Tel: +39.0586 864734

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